So tomorrow is Mother’s Day! So I want to send a special shout out to all the mom’s! Thank you for your support mom – thank you for your criticism – thank you for your opinion – thank you for being there – thank you for being a great grandmother – thank you for inspiring us – thank you for putting up with us – thank you for rolling your eyes at our new tattoos – thank you for yelling at us when we need it – thank you for just being mom!

Mother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all the childern.

Mother (includes all those single dads) – It’s one hell of a job you have raising us – kissing boobooed knees – and holding us when we cry as youngsters – when we need help with school projects – when we need those cupcakes for school and we told you at 8:30 at night.

MOTHER – You are the first God like being we see as young children – you can do anything and make anything happen. We look up at you with BIG EYES (that say don’t fuck me up for the rest of my life) and you do the best you can. No one is perfect but you are my mom and God gave you to me.

Thank You to all the moms -my mom and my wife – MOMS ROCK!


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